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Persona 1

Eric, 27 years old, single. He lives in San Francisco. He graduated from college two years ago and studied finance for his bachelor. He sits in the office all day for his job helping clients to solve financial issues. He works at a start-up company. Although he loves his job, he would love some outdoor activity. He loves to get some fresh air during the weekend. He goes to Yosemite sometimes with friends during the weekend. He is interested in looking at some new places to rock climb in California. Continuously finding new places to climb is how his engages with his passion. It rejuvenates him, providing him the energy and enthusiasm he needs to continue performing well in his job. During his free time on Mondays, he will often share stories of the weekend with Mike, a coworker who shares a love of the outdoors with Eric.

Persona 2

Ryan and his son, Mark. Ryan is 50 years old with sons of three. He was 20 pounds heavier two years ago and was struggling with the risk of getting obesity. His doctor recommended him to go out more often and eat healthier. With the huge support from his wife and sons, he started to exercise in the basement and go out to nature with the family more often. He even took a rock climbing class with his son 6 months ago. Now he is more healthy and fit, but desires to continue exercising to maintain his health. The level of stress exercising provides has decreased as he has been improving his fitness, but he feels he needs new, exciting, and less repetitive experiences to help him maintain his healthy habits. To help him find new activities, his wife has been teaching him to find hiking trails and other outdoor attractions using the internet. It is thanks to her that Ryan has discovered and signed up for summitpost.


After a long day of work, Eric decides to plan his weekend adventure. He goes straight to the search bar and searches”California”. After scrolling through a couple of options, he sees one not too far from his home. He clicks the link and reads the details. Interested, he looks up the location of the mountain on his gps app and pins it, then gets up to immediately start packing supplies; He intends to set out first thing in the morning.

Ryan wants to get a better taste of the outdoors, to just go out for fun rather than exercise just to lose weight. He clicks on the “images” link at the top of the site hoping to find an exciting location. Realizing the pictures need to be close to home, he types his home state into the search bar. Now with the map and some pictures in view, he scrolls until he sees a gorgeous photo of a scenic view. He clicks the image and its location pops up on the map, revealing that it is only a 30 minute drive from his home! He excitedly grabs his wife and Mark, so he can show them the view he’s found and recommend a family hiking trip.

Samantha enjoys socializing, so she starts today’s trip to summitpost by looking at some of the featured trip reports on the home page. A couple are so fantastic, she can’t help but leave some comments pointing out details she loves and thanking the people who posted for sharing the experiences. Now that she's on the topic of trip reports, she decides to click the trip reports link at the top of the page and search for a report on a trip near her home. Sure enough, she finds a fun looking trip not too far from her home and begins planning on when she can bring the family on a trip up the trail.

Jefferson has been planning a trip with his friends for ages, but now that the event is here, he is having trouble deciding to go or not. It is overcast and he wants to know if the weather will be good tomorrow.

Jamie and his friends are talking about planning a trip but they want to bring a fourth person. They decide to look through some forums in order to find a person in their area that fits their profile.